Surface Dial

A Surface Dial on screen


Front-end development and prototyping, partnering with UX Design, Motion Design, Engineering


The Surface Dial was a brand-new input modality developed with the Surface Studio to accelerate access to creative tools. It can be used both on and off screen to switch between tools, cycle through values, zoom in and out, and more.

Process and Solution

Working closely with both the design and engineering teams, I polished the UI in XAML code to achieve pixel perfection and implemented the animations for transitioning between modes, activating, and dismissing the menu. I advocated for design in conversations with engineering and vice versa, helping the two disciplines meet the sweet spot between experience intent and implementation.

Off-screen Dial UI

On-screen Dial UI

On-screen Dial UI

In addition to polishing the shipping experience, I created a Framer prototype to experiment with applying Acrylic material to the UI. Working with design, we tested various color combinations to ensure adequate contrast between the Dial UI and the content below.

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